
  • Maria Aline Sabino Nascimento Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Museu Nacional - UFRJ (PPGAS/MN/UFRJ)


This essay proposes a reflection on the plots of affection and care built since the idea of motherhood based on a myth of purity, sacralization, abnegation, sacrifice and morther’s unconditional love toward their children. Resorting to studies that approach this subject from a feminist, anthropological, psychological and the law perspective, my intention is discussing how these plots undermine women and, to some extent even men, and nourish a whole economic system.  For this, I tried to comprehend how these dynamics shows up in the multiplicity existing in the public and private spheres, as well as which tensions are generated between market, work and affection with regard to care. I don't deal, nonetheless, to the motherhood as something homogeneous, neither the domesticity - in relation to the political and affective senses related to the home. My concern about this text is to understand this dynamics these dynamics from the perspective of the crossing of gender, race and class, trying to bring a reflection which considere the differences in the constitution of these bodies, affections and tensions generated since the stablishment of the myth of motherhood and in how it is implicated to theme of care. The work of the service and care - associated with women, also tells us, among many things, about our own relation to the nature detached of the humanity status. This statement takes us to debates about the conception of categories of care, motherhood, gender and notion of person in other societies. Therefore, this work questions the motherhood in its western standards and it tries to comprehend if other kinds of motherhood are possible.


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How to Cite

Sabino Nascimento, M. A. (2022). DYNAMICS OF THE MATERNAL FUNCTION AND THE MARKET. Revista Homem, Espaço E Tempo, 15(2), 42–62. Retrieved from //rhet.uvanet.br/index.php/rhet/article/view/511