An investigation of the metallic railway bridges in Ceará and the construction of a possible ethnographic landscape


  • Rafael Rodrigues de Moraes Centro Universitário Inta – UNINTA
  • Denise Borges Alonge Centro Universitário Inta – UNINTA
  • Alexandra Risello Centro Universitário Inta – UNINTA
  • Rhayssa de Mesquita Galeno Centro Universitário Inta – UNINTA
  • Ana Irda Veras da Silva Oliveira Centro Universitário Inta – UNINTA


Keywords: railway industrial heritage; railway metal bridges; Sobral Railroad (EFS); Baturité Railroad (EFB); ethnographic landscape


This investigation on the metallic railway bridges of Granja (1881), Quixeramobim (1884), Caio Prado (1889), Senador Pompeu (1900) and Iguatu (1910) aims to qualify them as part of the set of industrial railways in Ceará. These structures, with innovative technology, are part of an avant-garde ideology from the late 19th and early 20th centuries that helped transform the territory where the Sobral Railroad (EFS) and the Baturité Railroad (EFB) reached. The symbolic relationships of these objects, linked to the socioeconomic actions that helped to develop, constitute a rich and almost unexplored historical-cultural landscape, which may help in the perception of a possible ethnographic landscape in Ceará. This investigation, in addition to listing this hypothesis, presents an iconographic review of these places, indicating a solid organized repertoire for future research.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues de Moraes, R., Borges Alonge, D. ., Risello , A. ., Mesquita Galeno , R. de ., & Veras da Silva Oliveira , A. I. (2022). An investigation of the metallic railway bridges in Ceará and the construction of a possible ethnographic landscape. Revista Homem, Espaço E Tempo, 15(2), 26–41. Retrieved from //