
  • Pedro Henrique da Silva Lima UERN-Pau dos Ferros
  • Bruna Jeciana Pinto Silva
  • Maria Losângela Martins de Sousa
  • Agassiel de Medeiros Alves


Water crises. Strategies. Well Drilling.


The present study has as main objectives to analyze the drilling of wells in the city of Doutor Severiano, as a strategy to face the water crisis caused by semiaridity. The methodology used was field studies, observations, bibliographic readings and an analysis of the location map of wells located in the urban area of the municipality, seeking to identify which strategies were taken to drill them, in addition to highlighting the importance of the water extracted from these wells for the life of city dwellers in periods of water crises. The identification of these strategies taken for drilling took place from the mapping analysis, where it was possible to identify that the public wells of the city are located in more peripheral areas, thus favoring a better distribution of these waters. The research made it possible to understand the dynamics of water distribution in the municipality. It is concluded with this article that the knowledge of the work / study area is of fundamental importance, to the point that the city managers have knowledge about the characteristics of the municipality, in order to develop the best strategies and be able to deal with periods of scarcity water, as is the case of drilling wells strategically in the territory of the city that helps to have a better distribution of water and consequently improves the supply of all.


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How to Cite

da Silva Lima, P. H., Pinto Silva, B. J. ., Martins de Sousa, M. L. ., & de Medeiros Alves , A. . (2020). the SEMIARIDITY AND WELL DRILLING IN THE CITY OF DOUTOR SEVERIANO – RN. Revista Homem, Espaço E Tempo, 14(1), 97–108. Retrieved from //

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