
  • Fábio Soares Guerra Secretaria de Educação do Ceará - SEDUC-CE; Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Fortaleza, Ceará - SME/FOR.


Semi-arid landscapes. Socio-environmental issues. Territory management.


The Brazilian territory has a wide mosaic of landscapes composed of relevant ecogeographic elements, which underlie the social relations applied with the natural environment. Within this context, highlighted as semi-arid regions, marked by the paradox: available environmental services and systems versus anthropic degradation and social problems. In order to contribute to a better coexistence with / in the Brazilian semiarid region, the article in question aims to highlight important elements for efficient environmental planning and management. How the methodology was used in bibliographic research through the qualitative approach. The results and discussions pointed out for Landscape Geoecology, as a coherent theoretical and methodological basis for territorial planning and management in the domain in question, for presenting the consolidated or sufficient conceptual and operational base. In addition, its application in technical and practical work developed within the postgraduate course in Development and Environment at the Federal University of Ceará (PRODEMA-UFC) is underlined. In conclusion, note the need for public policies for the recovery, valuation, conservation and preservation of semi-arid environments, in addition to the need for deepening and intensifying scientific research in these regions.


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How to Cite

Soares Guerra, F. (2020). LANDSCAPE GEOECOLOGY APPLIED TO ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT IN SEMI-ARID REGIONS. Revista Homem, Espaço E Tempo, 14(1), 79–96. Retrieved from //