
  • Mayra Beatriz Arruda de Souza Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Gisele Sousa Carvalho Aluna do curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Ceará-UFC
  • Letícia Albuquerque Azevedo Aluna do curso de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Ceará-UFC
  • Alexsandra Maria Vieira Muniz Professora Doutora da Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Emanuelton Antony Noberto de Queiroz Professor da EMTI Professor Álvaro Costa e supervisor do PIBID- Geografia da Universidade Federal do Ceará


Remote Teaching. TDIC. Patrimony. Heritage Education. Mucuripe.


The rapid transmission of Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) affected several areas of society, such as education, in particular public education. In face-to-face teaching there is the problem of school dropout and with the pandemic it has become something common. The present work aims to assist teachers with regard to Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICS), reducing cases of school dropout, causing students to participate and interact in classes. The proposal developed was a video of a virtual urban trail by Mucuripe and the neighborhoods that are around it, thus, was addressed the historical, cultural and environmental heritage. The video was presented in the Oficina Geográfica III discipline of the Geography course of the UFC and in view of this experience was taken to teachers of the school submitted by PIBID of the subproject Geografia-UFC. As methodology, a bibliographic research was carried out in scientific journals about TDIC'S and Mucuripe neighborhood, producing a video about the main points of the neighborhood, using explanatory audio, images, Google Earth and Google Maps. As a result, the work allowed the visualization of the importance of TDIC's in teaching and the production of a resource for use in EMTI Professor Álvaro Costa with the content related to some of Mucuripe's historical, cultural and environmental heritage, a fundamental content for students to understand the locality where they live and preserve. Therefore, the use of TDIC’s for the teaching of Geography is a resource that can assist teachers in motivating students.


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How to Cite

Arruda de Souza, M. B., Sousa Carvalho, G. ., Albuquerque Azevedo, L. ., Vieira Muniz, A. M., & Noberto de Queiroz, E. A. . (2022). VIRTUAL URBAN TRAILS AND THE CHALLENGES OF THE USING OF TDICS IN THE REMOTE TEACHING OF GEOGRAPHY: STUDY OF THE HISTORICAL-CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HERITAGE OF MUCURIPE NEIGHBORHOOD. Revista Homem, Espaço E Tempo, 15(2), 83–98. Retrieved from //

