
  • Emanuelton Antony Noberto de Queiroz Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Maria Edivani Silva Barbosa Universidade Federal do Ceará


Estágio Curricular; Formação de Professores; Mídias impressas., Curricular Internship; Teacher training; Printed media, Pasantía Curricular; Formación de profesores; Medios impresos.


The importance of the Curricular Internship for the undergraduate student, according to Pimenta and Lima (2009), lies in providing an approximation to the reality of the future field of work in which he/she will perform. In the internship, the conditions for reflective professional practice are created and learning about teaching practice and teaching action are acquired and, in a special way, reflection on teaching-learning Geography is promoted.  Among the objectives of the experience with the Supervised Curricular Internship in Geography III, held in the semester 2012.2, in the Geography course at the Federal University of Ceará, the following stand out: planning classes for the final years of elementary school, using printed media to promote geographic literacy according to the proposal for this phase; and contribute to the formation of critical and reflective teachers. Thus, we seek to innovate in teaching practices, creating problem situations for geographical themes. Discussions of texts were carried out at the university, visits to school to observe the teaching-learning, as well as to analyze the didactic resources, the physical space, the pedagogical and administrative structure and, still, to conduct the teaching. Teaching practice took place by planning three activities in the classroom: 1) the newspaper; 2) the chronicles; and 3) the comic strips and cartoons. This activity was fundamental for the teacher in training because, for the fact it was the first conducting experience in the classroom, it contributed to reflect on the possibility of using, on the spot, didactic resources of easy access and low cost.


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How to Cite

Noberto de Queiroz, E. A., & Edivani Silva Barbosa, M. (2020). THE SUPERVISED CURRICULAR INTERNSHIP IN GEOGRAPHY AND THE USE OF PRINTED MEDIA IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE REPORTS. Revista Homem, Espaço E Tempo, 14(1), 48–64. Retrieved from //

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